24 September 2015

My Reverse Bucket List

For those of you that don't already know what a reverse bucket list is, its basically a list of things that were on your bucket list but you've already completed them. For me my bucket list sees new additions all the time, although I've never really had one written down until now, it's always been more of a mental bucket list.

These are just a few of the things that I've done that have been really amazing! 

Flying a plane.

I can honestly say the most amazing thing I've ever done was fly a plane. Not only did I fly it, I flew solo. At the beginning of this year I went to a school for two weeks where you learn how to fly a plane, the Walsh Memorial Flying School. It was one of the most surreal experiences knowing that I was doing it by myself after all the practising and training. My instructor pushed me really hard but I'm so grateful that he did. It gave me a boost of self confidence that I never thought something like that could, even now after 8 months I sometimes just sit and think "Hell yes, I flew a fricken plane!"

My instructor took this photo after I had just landed from my first solo flight.

Travel to England.

About two years ago I went on a huge overseas trip with my family. We went to London, Liverpool, Rome, Paris and Seoul. Its not the first time that I had been overseas but I hadn't been any where since I was about 7. It was so fascinating to see how everyone lives, what's different and just really put into perspective just how small New Zealand really is. The reason that travelling to England was on my bucket list is because my dad is from there and it has also been a place that has enticed me for a long time.

Me when I was in England, we stopped just so I could get a photo with the phone box since we
don't have anything like that in New Zealand.

Go to a music festival 

At the beginning of 2014 I went to a music festival here in New Zealand called Parachute. It is a Christian music festival that happened every year. It was an amazing experience being completely immersed in the whole atmosphere for 3 daysAfter the festival had finished they announced that that would be the last one ever, and it was only my first. I was so keen to go back, but now I'm set on going to a big music festival over seas.

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